
How Dangerous is a Cracked Windshield

Cracks on a windshield are common vehicle problems that many people often ignore until it threatens your safety or disfigures the housing of the car. What a lot of people do not realize is that driving with a cracked windshield is very dangerous. Here are some real dangers that you could get yourself into while

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Police Writes Ticket For A Cracked Windshield As The Person Was About To Get It Repaired

With every passing day, we lament at the discourse that this world has taken part in. It is easier for people to take in news that sound unfortunate and gone are the days where it was really just black and white. Now, there is just a lot of grey area where some things are just

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Change Your Wiper Blades Yourself And Save a Fortune

Knowing how to do things yourself will save you a fortune as there is always a reward, literally for the labour you put into doing something on your own. We have all come across that situation where you take your vehicle for a simple oil change and you end up doing more than just oil

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